I was horrified, absolutely horrified this week, when I came across a blatant case of piracy.
As any fan of Warmaster Ancients will know the game was commissioned and published by Games Workshop and their historicals arm "Warhammer Historicals" (WH). This arm was moved over to Forge World's remit and unfortunately has diminished somewhat. Rick Priestley wrote a 2nd edition of Warmaster Ancients but this was declined by WH, then the supplement Warmaster Medieval Armies went out of print, and later on both the core book and supplement Warmaster Ancient Armies also went out of print and are no longer available (unless you can find a shop with an old copy in stock).
However this complete disregard for a brilliant game by the publisher is not excuse whatsoever for downloading a pdf copy of the rules. This is stealing and makes people cry. For example if you were to go to this site and download a copy of the core rules, you would be evil
4 shared download pdf copy of Warmaster Ancients Rulebook
Equally if you went to either of these sites and downloaded a torrent of the rulebook you would be even worse
TorrentCrazy Warmaster rulebook
Demonid Warmaster Rulebook
And only the most heinous criminal would go here and download a copy of Warmaster Ancient Armies supplement
Filestube Warmaster Ancient Armies
Its no good saying to me "oh but GW ignored this game and tried to kill it off and all I want to do it get to together with some friends a play a game with toy soldiers, I'm not hurting anyone". Yeah well you are buddy. You're hurting...um...Yeah so you're hurting the guy who wants to sell his copy of the rulebook on ebay and make a fat profit! Ha. So you don't feel so cool now do you?!
So don't you dare go to sites like the ones I've linked to above to download a copy of the rules for this great game, play it with your friends and have a good time. Otherwise I'll be disappointed in you.
Farewell to Warhammer.
4 weeks ago